This documentary was developed by atelier horizon in collaboration with Osmos Network in the framework of the Bwmstr-label 030.

Production & filming:
Namgyel Hubert, Annelies De Nijs, Adrian Vickery Hill & Laurens Van der Cruyssen

Theresa Martens – graphic design
Lieven Bulckens – final edit
Katrien Vandendries – voice-over

Support from the Team Vlaams Bouwmeester and the Flemish Institute of Architecture.

Thanks to:
Wout Baert, Simon De Boeck, Klaas Decenniere, Petra Detienne, Karolien Eens, Bart Gellynck, Hans Knop, Kris Peeters, Geert Schepers, Koen Stuyven, Kenny Vandepoel & Katy van Londen


Tessenderlo: Vision for the town centre and redevelopment of the town square (Leefbuurt) – Overlant Landscape Architects

Gooik: Development strategy for the town centre and redevelopment of the town square – MAAT-ontwerpers

Ottenburg: Vision redevelopment village centre – 1010au

Zele: Vision public realm and redevelopment Market square Zele – atelier horizon